Supporting the Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway
Our community has been blessed with numerous grants and public funding to make the Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway a reality. Along the way, private donors have also helped enhance the greenway experience. Since 2001, more than $350,000 has been received from individuals and organizations. For these groups and individuals Friends of the Greenway was established, which allow for tax-deductible gifts to support the on-going enhancement of this community asset.
Why Give to Friends of the Greenway? Donations are encouraged for many reasons, but first and foremost, supporters are invited because they enjoy the greenway and appreciate what it brings to our community. Gifts have been received in honor of loved ones, and simply because they, “Love the Greenway!”
Where do the Funds Go? All donations go exclusively toward enhancements that are not covered through current public funding and may include signage, promotions, mileage markers, public art, placement of trash and recycle containers, or many other projects.
Can I Designate a Specific Gift? Yes. Through the years, gifts to the greenway have been received for specific enhancements. The most prominent have been the more than two dozen benches. Other donations have included water fountains, historic markers, and memorial plazas. Major donations have funded a playground, restrooms, a pavilion and an outdoor stage. To inquire about a specific gift to the greenway, please email [email protected].
What Enhancements are Needed on the Greenway? Some standard items that are currently located on the greenway are as follows:
Benches – $2,000 donation includes bench, inscription, delivery concrete pad and installation (the greenway reserves the right to locate benches where most needed).
Historic Markers – $1,500 donation includes concrete and stone base, inscribed granite top (30” X 30”) Greenway Board determines subject matter.
Trees – $200 donation buys the tree and small granite marker. Greenway determines location and species of tree
Memorial Plaza – $5,000 donation includes sidewalk to two-bench mini-plaza. Landscaping included based upon recommendation of Parks and Recreation Department
Water Fountains – cost based upon 1) type of model desired and 2) accessibility to water source
Playground – cost based upon 1) amount of space available, 2) model of playground equipment
Other ideas and items may be considered for placement on the greenway. In addition, the Greenway Board has a list of specialty items in all ranges of price. To inquire about specialty items, or for more information about items listed above, please contact [email protected].
How Do I give to Friends of the Greenway? When you have decided to make a donation, the easiest method is to contact the Greenway via email at [email protected]. If you prefer payment by check or money order, please mail your donation to
Friends of the Greenway, P.O. Box 2730, Cleveland, TN 37320-2730. A letter of receipt will be mailed to the address desired.