
Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway Board

The Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway is maintained on a day-to-day basis by the City of Cleveland parks and Recreation Department. A Greenway Board was established in 2004 to identify, plan and strategize for the future and serve as an advisory group to local leadership.
The board consists of ten (10) representatives from the following entities:

Bradley County:
Mayor Gary Davis or his designate (Lindsay Hathcock)
Bradley County Commission Representative: Milan Blake
Bradley County Commission Appointee: Jill Barrett (secretary)
Bradley County Commission Appointee: Tim Rader

City of Cleveland:
Mayor Kevin Brooks or his designate (Corey Divel)
City Council Representative: Bill Estes (vice-chairman)
City Council Appointee: Annie Robbins
City Council Appointee: Pat Stone
Cleveland Utilities Appointee: Marshall Stinnett
Chamber of Commerce Appointee: Cameron Fisher (chairman)

Greenway Public Arts Committee

The Greenway Public Arts Committee (GPAC) was established to manage art pieces and other arts-related activities on the greenway. It is led by chairperson Tara Brown and a group of citizens eager to promote public art through placement of sculptures and other art objects.

The Greenway Public Arts Committee (GPAC) facilitates placement of public art on the greenway. This sculpture, Infinite Angles, is located near the Church of God International Offices campus.

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